Iklan Hari Ini

Minggu, 12 Juli 2009

Iklan Baris Gratis: Tips for Beginning to Wear Hijab

Nama : Putri Pangeran Boutique
Email: putripangeran@gmail.com
Judul Iklan: Tips for Beginning to Wear Hijab
Isi Iklan: My dear sister, the worries and fears in your mind are the whisperings of the shaytan. He wants to talk you out of obeying Allah SWT. It is very easy to keep going around in circles in your mind and to dwell on all the things that could go wrong. I know that I myself have a tendency to do this, I put it off and I dither and I wait for \\\"the perfect time\\\". If I let myself, I would never do anything at all!

So the thing you have to remember is that you do not need to be perfect in iman to wear hijab. If perfection were a qualification, where is the sister who could wear it??

You must also not fall into the trap of thinking that you should wait until all your worries and fears have disappeared. They never will! Trust me on this, sister.

True courage is going ahead to do what\\\'s right even though you are still nervous and scared. So don\\\'t listen to the shaytan. Ignore the worries and fears he whispers into your mind. Tell him that you will not let him keep you from obeying Allah SWT and you will not let him rule your life.

Make the decision to wear it

Once you have come to know in your heart that you must wear hijab, then you have to set a day and


This is the only way. Set a day and when that day comes, you have to do it. Don\\\'t back down. Don\\\'t give up. Do it.

Offer salat al-istikhara. Make du\\\'a. Make lots of du\\\'a. Do not stop making du\\\'a. Ask Allah SWT to give you strength. Ask Him to make it easy for you. Ask Him to help you. He will, I swear it to you. He is always there for you when you turn to Him. Remember how much He has given you, how everything that you have, even your very existence, is due to Him. Remember that He deserves this from you. Remember the promise of Jannah. Remember that remaining patient and faithful through difficulty now may lead to Jannah, inshallah. Even if bad things happen, keep these thoughts in your mind. Don\\\'t worry about tomorrow. Just concentrate on getting through today, and leave tomorrow to Allah SWT until it gets here.

That\\\'s how you do it.

Final Words of Encouragement

I have been wearing hijab since September 1999. I do not regret it. I have never for one instant regretted it. I do not regret it even one iota. Inshallah, you will discover that you feel the same. Even within a few months I came to feel that I would not be properly dressed if I went out not wearing hijab. This is when you know that you have made it!

Never feel that you are alone, or that you are the only one who is scared and worried and nervous. Just about every other sister who has travelled down this road has gone through the same things. I know I have. Your sisters are here for you. We have been where you are. We are encouraging you and cheering you on. We know what it takes because we had to find that in ourselves too. We are praying for your success just as we prayed for our own.

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Tags: feshen, butik, jilbab. accesories
Website: http://www.putripangeran.com
Domisili: Busines Online
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Iklan Baris Gratis: Tips Trik Rahasia Mewujudkan Impian

Nama : reno
Email: reno@ymail.com
Judul Iklan: Tips Trik Rahasia Mewujudkan Impian
Isi Iklan: Mari wujudkan impian dengan tips trik rahasia anak medan gratis tidak dipungut biaya kunjungi http://z.netii.net/stop-dreaming-start-action.jsp
Tags: tips
Website: http://z.netii.net/stop-dreaming-start-action.jsp
Domisili: medan
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Senin, 06 Juli 2009

Iklan Baris Gratis: Tips menggunakan busana gamis pesta muslim dari Putri Pangeran

Nama : Putri Pangeran Boutique
Email: putripaneran@gmail.com
Judul Iklan: Tips menggunakan busana gamis pesta muslim dari Putri Pangeran
Isi Iklan: Sepintas busana pesta muslimah memang sangat membingungkan, terlebih jika kita harus mengenakan gamis. Tapi ibu tidak perlu khawatir, karena kini dengan gamis pun ibu bisa tampil chic dan mewah. Berikut tips yang kami sarankan :

1. Karena akan dikenakan di siang hari, maka yang pertama harus dipertimbangakan adalah pemilihan bahan. Kenakan bahan yang nyaman, siang hari beresiko lebih berkeringat, maka pilihlah bahan yang menyerap keringat seperti katun, sifon, sutra.

2. Hati-hati dalam pemilihan warna di siang hari. Hendaknya memilih warna lembut dan tidak terlalu kontras. Seperti biru muda, krem, merah bit, dsb. ini akan lebih terlihat enak dipandang. Ibu pun akan lebih percaya diri.

3. Kemudian masalah detail. Karena ibu memilih gamis dan berjilbab panjang, maka agar ibu tetap terlihat mewah berilah sedikit detail pada gamis bagian bawah. Baik itu berupa border, payet, renda, aplikasi, sulam, dsb. detail tidak perlu banyak-banyak, hal tersebut bertujuan untuk mempermanis gamis.

4. Untuk model gamis, ibu tidak perlu monoton hanya terusan biasa saja. Kini gamis sudah memiliki banyak model. Bisa di variasi dengan rompi sifon, tali pinggang, atau dimodifikasi dengan bahan warna lain yang mempermanis gamis. Model tangan pun bisa divariasi, baik itu tangan lurus, tangan lonceng, lebar, balon, manset, dsb. sehingga gamis yang ibu kenakan tampak lebih chic.

5. Agar lebih terlihat formal, tidak ada salahnya ibu mengenakan selendang. Namun ingat bahan selendang harus disesuaikan dengan bahan gamis dan jilbab, dan jangan lupa memperhatikan warna yang serlaras dan seimbang.

6. Ibu boleh saja memilih gamis yang simple, hanya berupa terusan seperti gamis-gamis. Namun untuk model ini, ibu harus memperhatikan jenis dan motif bahan. Saya sarankan, kenakanlah bahan gamis sutra 'three in one' ( yang terdiri dari gamis, jilbab dan selendang satu paket). Meski hanya model gamis biasa, namun bahan sutra tetap memberikan kesan mewah.

7. Boleh juga jika ibu ingin menambahkan aksesoris, entah itu cincin, tas, bros, tas juga sepatu yang serasi. Namun jangan dikenakan terlalu berlebihan, jika gamis sudah cukup ramai, cincin saja sudah cukup menjadi aksesoris yang manis.

Demikian tips yang bisa kami berikan, jika ibu tertarik, kami persilahkan ibu untuk memilih busana pesta muslimah desain dari http://putripangeran.com
Tags: feshen, butik, jilbab, accesries
Website: http://www.putripangeran.com
Domisili: Bisnis Online
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